Awesome and addictive
Awesome and addictive
Neat concept similar to Yathzee, in a way...challenging and fun!
Each dive has has three primary bits (Approach, Flight, and Entry) which have very exact hand requirements and then there are 5 judge entries that are free for alls with a catch (you can use anything but your judged rating is based on the complexity so a garbage roll with not even a pair would rate about a 1.0 whereas a traditional Yachtzee could net you a 10.0). All of these 8 entries work together in a cool weighted manner. The Flight is the biggest aspect of your base score with the Approach and Entry coming in to a much lesser degree but then even all of those three scores are multiplied by your top 3 judge scores (the lowest 2 can be tossed out). So while a lot like Yachtzee, this scoring is much more complex and each of these dives is a stand alone little mini game. Add on top of this a comprehensive global ranking system so you know not only if you qualified for a bronze/silver/gold but what your current world ranking is for that dive as well as the top three scores for that dive at the moment.
This game is hard to put down.
Fun version of an old favorite, like it !
Im not much of a dice game player, I only can really play Yachtzee, this game was easy to figure out, but I cant remember the combinations. So this game wasnt the best for me. But as an unbiased opinion, this game is worth it if you know the combinations and like to play this sort game this app is for you.
After watching the demo video (which was very helpful, btw), I was able to figure this out - and I havent stopped playing since. One thing - the water sound is annoying, but you can turn it off (thankfully!).
This was a lot of fun, just a fun game. I would recommend not watching the instructional video as it just makes it seem more confusing than it is. Just play it and have fun!
It took me some time to get the hang of this but Im completely addicted to this game. Super fun with a component of chance and strategy! I really like the fact that you unlock additional challenges. I wonder if this will improve my poker game??
This game is similar to yachtzee but more fun and complex making it more challenging. Combines 2 great things, dice and diving. Creative!
Thank god for the video demo I was way confused but its actually easy to use and fun to play. Awesome kitch sounds too.
It took me a couple of minutes to figure this game out, but once I got it figured out I found that this game is really fun! Its addicitng and one of my favorites.
Really fun game, much like Yahtzee (can i say that?). Easy tutorial and clear instructions make it fun for beginnners too.
Good dice game. Fun and decent graphics too. Its easy to play and can waste a lot of time if you arent careful. And isnt that what we want in our apps? I do.
I’ll admit I generally try to attempt most apps without viewing the instructions or rules and at first this game made no sense. Then I took the few seconds to watch the included video and you could not have asked for a better explanation. From there out I was hooked, overall it’s a great game.
After watching the video, It made way more sense! The game is fun! Give it a chance!
Stumbled upon this game and now cant get enough of it. It reminds me a lot of Sword & Poker in many ways. Its a combination of two genres that dont seem to go together (in this case diving and dice), it has that "just one more game" feel to it instantly, and I think about the game a lot when Im not playing it. These two games were very much shocks to me and I think that I could just have the two of them on my phone and Id be happy. The game really does a great job of giving you an intense feeling that Yahtzee (a game it can be compared with) really doesnt have. There is something about having to get all of the elements together in order to get your "dive" right that really has you shaking in your dice cup. I wont go deep into game play because you can find the video online for that, but know that this is easily my favorite dice game, and one of my top five of any genre at the moment. A few things Id like to see with the game... Multiplayer to really get the competition going. This could be pass and play, online, or even just a computer -- anything would really help. Id also like to see some randomness in the judges scoring. Right now every judge scores a hand the same and it would be good if certain judges liked certain hands a little better -- like in real diving where judges pick up on some things that others dont. I have to say that I really hate that someone gave this game a one star rating because it wouldnt play their music. I love that we all have our opinions and we have the freedom to say it, but come one... at least let us know what you thought of the game and if you wanted to give a one star because of that, at least tell us what you think the game would be if it played your music. Then maybe you could split the middle and give us an average score... like... I dont know... a diving judge. Dont pass this one up... if you even remotely like dice games (and if youre reading this you must have some love for the dice) then this game needs to be in your library. Now pick it up and go for the gold!
Update 1.2 brings this game from no medal to a solid Silver Effort. iTunes support, some nice cosmetic options and more solid game play added makes this a winner. I dont think this will ever truly be a 5 stay game, but it is good solid fun with plenty of re-playability. What the game needs most is some head to head diving in pass and play and/or wi-fi mode for local competitions. In the meantime the country flags with initials is great for the global leader boards at least.
I liked the fact that it had a built in video tutorial that allows you to quickly learn the game. If youre a poker or a competitive person youll love this game.
The theme comes off a bit weird but as a spinoff of Yachtzee, the game clearly works. The medal aspect is a bit trivial, as is the comparison to the Worlds best but overall, the implementation is done nicely and the game is fun.